Thursday, April 5, 2007

Fantastic Diving Spots Down Under

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the premier diving locations of the world. It makes no difference if you're an amateur or a seasoned diver, you will definitely want to make this a planned event any time you visit Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is 1,250 miles in length and runs from Queensland to New Guinea. You won't believe all the natural wonders and spectacular sea animals that you'll see.

The Great Barrier Reef is a thing of beauty in its own right. It is actually composed of more than 2,000 smaller reefs, and coral islands intermingle as you travel through the reef. The colors and lights will amaze you.

The Great Barrier Reef is the home to many sea animals and the fascinating sea creatures. The spectacular experience can only be captured on an under water camera where you get the lifetime opportunity to diving in these warm waters and get a front seat view of fish swimming among the coral.

There are many diving areas in the region, so when you reach Australia, you will want to consider which sites are right for your vacation diving experience.

One of the most popular diving places in Australia is Pixie Pinnacle, which can be found near Lizard Island. Pixie Pinnacle is comprised of a large coral, over ninety feet in height. The types of sea creatures that you'll see on this dive include clownfish, rabbitfish, lionfish, nudibranches, and honfish. If you look out past the Great Barrier Reef you'll be able to catch a glimpse of the Coral Sea.

Cod Hole is another diving location near Lizard Island. The creatures that inhabit that area are moray eels, the Napoleon wrasse, and large schools of cod.

For a diving site that is livelier with sea creatures you might want to head to Yongala Wreck. You can find this diving spot south from Cod Hole by 200 miles. The coral in this area of the Great Barrier Reef is thick, making it a great hiding place for eagle rays, jacks, flowery cod, and the barramundi cod. If you're lucky you may be able to see a turtle or two.

Remember to follow safety practices and the marine rules governing diving in the Great Barrier Reef. It is so important to remember that the reef is a living animal because it's composed of coral. Treat it with respect at all times. Be especially aware of displacing sand when using your fins. Sand will harm the sea animals as well as the coral.

As a must not do, do not ever feed any of the sea animals that you encounter during your dives. Fish are known to become repeat pests when you feed them and can therefore, make them react aggressively to all divers. Dive to savor these wonders with your eyes and make sure you do not seek souvenirs. The beautiful coral, shells, and rocks that you see maintain the environmental balance for the animals that live in that area. Just give yourself the luxury of trapping all these wonders in an under water camera.

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